
Articles Posted in Games for Learning


Developing Reading Fluency = Grinding in Video Games

The reaction of many parents and educators to the idea of playing games in school is horror. School is supposed to be serious hard work. What these people don’t know is that in modern video games doing tasks repetitively to slowly build skills and status is the norm not the…


Blog Roundup

It has been a while since I did a round up of blog articles, time to clean a few items out. Rather than dump a long list I’ve picked four articles I’ve found particularly interesting in the past few weeks. Matt Mihaly over at The Forge notes that MMO’s/Virtual Worlds…


Physics Game For 3rd Grade – Cool Video

Crayon Physics from Kloonigames is a very cool serious game. I can see young kids in particular playing with this for hours. The designer said about one comment “Chris Baker wrote a great article about Crayon Physics Deluxe for Slate. He wrote that the game looks like it was designed…


Virtual Worlds = Real Learning

Does real learning happen in virtual worlds? Cable in the Classroom Magazine published an article I wrote on this topic in their March issue. The premise is: “There have always been scientific concepts our children should experience that are too dangerous, too expensive, or too time-consuming for school. For these…


Video Games Embody the Best in Cognitive Theory – Part 2

Ed Note: Do videogames embody the best in cognitive theory? In Part 2 of his series on educational video games guest blogger NT Etuk explores the work of James Paul Gee. Part 1 is here By NT Etuk – CEO Tabula Digita Why do videogames work? Why are gamers so…


Why Should We Care About Educational Videogames and Simulations?

Ed Note: Are video games and simulations essential learning tools for the 21st Century? Guest Blogger NT Etuk responds to my post about Ethics in the first of two posts on this topic. By NT Etuk – CEO and Co-Founder, Tabula Digita. Video games and simulations are among the most…


Games in Education Panel @ FETC

FETC 2008 starts tomorrow and I’m looking forward to catching up with friends and colleagues from across the Education Technology industry. I’m participating in a panel discussion on Thursday afternoon about games and education that will balance practitioners with vendors in a discussion about the state of games and learning.…


Games And Virtual Worlds for Education Forum

Technology & Learning On-Line has launched a set of forums on education technology issues. For some odd reason they selected me to moderate the Games and Virtual Worlds Forum. As the graphic shows teaching and learning is about a conversation, so lets get one going over there. MaestroC got the…

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