
Articles Posted in textbooks


An Education Consultant Speaks – School Sales & Marketing 101 Part 1

Rookies in the education market make a set of common mistakes. There are five concepts you need to grasp about selling to schools that will help you avoid execution error as you enter the learning market. Consider these the iron laws of marketing to public schools. Accept them, nay embrace…


Print and Technology Blending – Pew Study

As print and technology products in education blend together the distinctions between textbook publishers and ed-tech providers are blurring in some very interesting ways. A recent report by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press on how on-line and traditional news media are blending together raises some…


iTunes and Textbooks

Why can’t teachers buy lessons like people buy songs off of iTunes? Are publishers at risk of irrelevance if they don’t proactively solve this problem for their customers? I have noticed that my music habits have changed dramatically over the past 5-6 years. With the advent of iTunes I was…


Education Spending and The Economy

How will the economic downturn affect education budgets? How are executives at publishing houses and education technology firms planning for the recession? Education Week noted a couple of weeks ago: “…states across the country are confronting deteriorating budget conditions that have tied the hands of legislators and governors hoping to…


Where is the Wii for Education?

Where are breakthrough products like the Wii in education? Textbooks and education technology are stuck in a rut. Just like Sony and Microsoft got locked in a war over processor speeds and cutting edge graphics most of the competition in the education market seems increasingly focused on tangential issues to…

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