
The Education Business Blog


How To Pick A Strategy Facilitator?

Over the last 30 years I’ve lead dozens of teams through strategic planning as a CEO and as an outside facilitator. I’ve learned there are three essential characteristics for a good facilitator. Strong listening skills A coherent framework A track record of success Bonus Round: Market knowledge and insight As…


Publishing + Open Educational Resources – A Model for Co-Existence

Open Educational Resources (OER) are here to stay.  Publishing, despite the rumors, is not dead.  The real question is not “if” but “how” these two options will co-exist in the instructional materials market. A starting point is sorting out where each type of resource makes the most sense. For me…


A SaaS Educational Content Pricing Model Emerges

In January 2001 as the dot com boom burst online education site went out of business overnight, literally. Coverage tended to focus on the employees – who ultimately filed a class action lawsuit for back pay and 401k contributions. Lost in that ugly coverage was the blunt reality for teachers and…


Reach for the Sun Strategy Mode – Dec 18

Filament’s award winning game Reach for the Sun has a major update coming to Steam later this week.  We’ve taken feedback from teachers, students, and Steam players and developed a strategy mode for the game.  Enjoy!


Texas Doesn’t Evolve To Common Core – Textbook Market Power Shifts

Texas has been a vocal holdout on adopting Common Core State Standards (CCSS) since the beginning.  Last week all 14 publishers who submitted high school biology textbooks for adoption in TX ignored the state’s demand to include creationism.  I believe these two news items are directly related and reflect a huge shift in the market dynamics for instructional…


Education Gold Rush: Who is selling picks and shovels?

“During the gold rush its a good time to be in the pick and shovel business.”  Mark Twain There are large amounts of capital flowing into the education publishing market today.  It appears we are experiencing a small gold rush as savvy technology investors bet that the digital transition in education will yield significant returns to those doing…


When Tech Meets Schools – Frank Catalano

Frank has a great post over on Geekwire that does a great job of explaining why Dumbo Drops of tech don’t work in schools. The question he didn’t completely address is why do people keep making this mistake? One explanation is that a massive initiative that “attacks” a “problem” is…

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