I’ve been on a bit of a blogcation since June. It has been a crazy summer both personally and professionally* and something had to give.
I’m back.
The K12 market has been in full meltdown since last November. Schools are struggling with state finances post stimulus, the Feds are not helping with threats of sequestration, and tablets are sucking up what little oxygen remains in the room. To top it off the uncertainty around the election is putting a pause on decisions.
In other words, those of us in the business have an opportunity to show what we are really made of.
I’ll be touching on all those subjects in the coming weeks and months along with a few other ideas that have been tickling my interest including:
- What Japanese pop culture means for ed-tech
- Is K12 the largest used book market in the world?
- A comparison of K12 and Higher Education
- More on the economics of iPads
- What do NCLB waivers mean for instructional materials?
- Why is LRMI important?
- An overview of the trade associations that serve our industry
Since the blog is now 5 years old I’m also planning to start re-running some of the earlier posts that undergird my view of the market and where we are headed (if you have favorites let me know).
Let’s go.
* For those interested in the details our youngest graduated from High School, we bought a town house in San Antonio and moved, we remodeled said town house, and at work we’ve been dealing with the market conditions. My new studio is finally done and thus I can perch here in the mornings and write again.