K12 Decision Support Market Report – ARRA Accountability Systems

iStock_000006814674LargeStudent Information Systems (SIS) and Data Warehouses (DWS) are the bedrock enterprise software systems in K12 school districts. The K12 Decision Support Systems Market Report is now available. The 118 page report is based on a survey of over 300 district level IT Directors.

ARRA Accountability Market Intelligence

Given the strong emphasis in ARRA on data-driven decision making (D3M) and accountability auditing, the information in this study will provide valuable insight into a market with an urgent and well funded need. The report is a map of territory that has been uncharted.

The Education Recovery site states the stimulus funds will be carefully audited:

ED will hold ARRA fund recipients accountable through reporting and monitoring…ED will monitor all ARRA programs throughout the life of the grants…This includes annual reporting of participation and performance data and site visits to many States.

How will this happen? We know from the report that 93% of Districts have an SIS and that over 75% use their SIS or DWS as their primary reporting tool for NCLB accountability reporting. Nothing else even comes close. The detailed breakout is in the study.

Report Content

The information is tailored for the needs of SIS and DWS vendors, partners, investors, and policy makers.

The report covers:

  • Market share trends
  • Intent to purchase by segment in the next 36 months
  • Brand awareness and market momentum
  • Customer satisfaction levels and causes
  • Pricing models and preferences
  • Product lifecycle
  • Implementation models and timing
  • District IT infrastructure (including SIF implementation)
  • And much much more.

See here for a complete table of contents.

This study builds on the popular 2003 SIS Trends and Opportunities Report. I have had many requests over the years for a follow up study to show how the SIS market is evolving. The new report leverages the 2003 information to provide a longitudinal view of the SIS market.

As the folks at Educational Systemics and I considered our options we decided that we also needed to cover the emerging market for Data Warehouses. Many districts have installed these systems in the past 7-8 years and we wanted to know what this important new segment of the market looks like. We added a section to the report for this market segment and the insights we gleaned should be useful for decision makers as they evaluate what is next.

Purchase Information

More details about the report are available at K12-Decision-Support.com. You can purchase off the site using any major credit card. Important – SIF, SIIA, and AEP members get at 15% discount.

The 118 page PDF (1.5 mb) will be mailed to you within 24 hours and is for distribution within the buying organization.

You can also contact me with any questions you have about the report by emailing me at info@k12decisionsupport.com.

Many Thanks

Any project of this scope is a collaboration among many people.

  • The team at Market Data Retrieval (MDR) were fantastic sponsors who provided a helping hand at many crossroads.
  • Our media sponsor Technology & Learning provided the valuable initial lift to get the project going and will be reporting out some of the findings in their magazine and web site.
  • Educational Systemics was critical during the survey design phase – making sure we got the questions right. They will be providing follow up consulting services to those who are interested.
  • Larry Nelson stepped in at a critical time and wrote the Data Warehousing section.

The patience and persistence of this crew insured that this important information would see the light of day.

We’ll be blogging here and over at the report site on some of the high level findings in the next few weeks. Be sure to add both sites to your RSS if you are interested in following this thread.