
Getting it Wrong – Slaying Myths About Video Games – Part 2

Do video games belong in the classroom?

Part 2 of the article I wrote for Technology & Learning Magazine is up on their website now.

The myths covered this month are:
Myth #3—Learning elements leach all the fun out of games
Myth #4—Teachers don’t need to be involved in the game; kids can do it on their own
Myth #5—There isn’t any scientifically based research to support the use of video games for learning
The lede:

“Do video games and simulations really belong in the classroom? A growing body of evidence—from education conference sessions to ramped-up gaming research and university pilot programs—all point to the affirmative. However, sensationalized press accounts, a personal lack of familiarity with games, and other factors still contribute to a broad skepticism of their value by educators, parents, and the public. Last month, we addressed the first two of five commonly held myths about video games. Here, we examine the remaining three.”

Part 1 from last month is here. The myths debunked were:
Myth #1—Games are all about twitch speed, not higher order thinking skills
Myth #2—Games are just about violence and sex
Enjoy – then come back here and add your thoughts or tell me what I got wrong in comments!

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