
Do You Want Change in Education?

Here is some food for thought from Seth Godin on how social networking can help us organize. His main point – the side in an argument that is better organized usually wins. Whether your issue is education reform, textbook and software adoption, privatization, highly qualified teachers, NCLB, or any of the other issues of the day there is a worthy nugget of wisdom in his thinking.

What Happens When We Organize?

As Seth points out these tools upset the power dynamic and if harnessed can lead to positive change.

On caveat – once you engage be prepared to go on forever. These issues are never permanently resolved – and that is probably as it should be. In an arena as complicated and nuanced as learning no one has a monopoly on the truth.

Another caveat – organization is just a tool for change, not necessarily a tool for doing good. Witness email – the spammers are better organized than the rest of us and they are killing it. So – be the change you want to see and find others who want the same things you do.

Here are a couple of places to start:
Classroom 2.0 – For all of us
EduCon – For educators
We Are Teachers – For teachers
AEP and SIIA Education Division – For publishers
Come on – join the conversation!

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