Education Entrepreneurs – Free Money! Tight Deadline!

Do you have a bright idea for new education business? Today’s guest post is from the team over at the Zell/Lurie Institute’s Social Media Fund. Note that the deadline for submission is February 18th – shake out those fingers and warm up the keyboard.

By Darrin Nagengast

SvF_logo.jpgThe Social Venture Fund at the University of Michigan is one of the world’s first student-run venture capital firms focused on supporting social entrepreneurs. We’ve been covered in the Wall Street Journal and Businessweek and are currently looking to make an investment of up to $250,000in a groundbreaking social enterprise.

In particular, our Education Circle is excited to review business plans focused on disrupting the traditional frameworks in K-12 education and work force development. In addition to having sustainable and scalable business models capable of delivering financial returns, these enterprises should have direct social impact that targets: improving student outcomes, closing achievement gaps, and improving education about and access to post-secondary and employment opportunities.

The circle will be initially focused on the following areas:
• Learning aids and technology in and out of the classroom
• Solutions to enhance the learning environment
• Human capital solutions
• Information and data management systems
• Holistic solutions to effect student health, mind and/or body
• Engagement, empowerment and increased participation of student stakeholders, e.g., teachers, parents, mentors
While we are interested in plans that meet the criteria above submissions are not limited to this scope if you feel you have relevant and outstanding idea.

Entrepreneurs interested in being considered for funding should send a copy of their business plans to by February 18th, 2011.